Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125F Stock Rom

Downloading and installing a new ROM can help resolve these issues and improve the user experience. Samsung Galaxy A12 SM-A125F may experience issues such as lag, freezing, or software errors after a period of use.


  • Downloading and installing ROMs can be risky, so you need to be careful and follow specific instructions.
  • It is recommended to back up important data before proceeding with installing a new ROM.
  • Make sure your phone battery is at least 50% charged before doing this.

Download Original Rom Samsung Galaxy A12

Model: SM-A125F
Region: AIS - Thailand, CAL - Thailand, MYM - Myanmar (Burma), THL - Thailand, XME - Malaysia, XTC - Philippines, XXV - Vietnam, MM1 - Singapore, OPP - Australia, SIN - Singapore, STH - Singapore, TEL - Australia, TLP - Australia, VAP - Australia, VAU - Australia, XSA - Australia, XSP - Singapore
Version: Android 12
File size: 4.04 GB
Updated: 06/2024
Model: SM-A125F
Region: 3IE - Ireland, AMO - Spain, ATL - Spain, ATO - Austria, AUT - Switzerland, AVF - Albania, BGL - Bulgaria, BOG - France, BTB - United Kingdom, BTE - United Kingdom, BTU - United Kingdom, CNX - Romania, COA - Romania, COS - Greece, CRO - Croatia, DBT - Germany, DRE - Austria, DTM - Germany, EUR - Greece, EVR - United Kingdom, FTM - France, H3G - United Kingdom, HTS - Sweden, HUI - Italy, ITV - Italy, LUX - Luxembourg, MAX - Austria, MBM - North Macedonia, MEO - Portugal, MET - Ireland, MOT - Slovenia, MSR - Serbia, NEE - Nordic countries, O2C - Czechia, O2U - United Kingdom, OMN - Italy, OPV - Poland, ORO - Romania, ORS - Slovakia, ORX - Slovakia, PHE - Spain, PHN - Netherlands, PLS - Poland, PRT - Poland, ROM - Romania, SEB - Baltic, SEE - Serbia, SFR - France, SIM - Slovenia, SIO - Slovenia, TCL - Portugal, TIM - Italy, TMH - Hungary, TMS - Slovakia, TMZ - Czechia, TOP - Serbia, TPH - Portugal, TPL - Poland, TSI - Ireland, VD2 - Germany, VDC - Czechia, VDF - Netherlands, VDH - Hungary, VDI - Ireland, VGR - Greece, VIP - Croatia, VOD - United Kingdom, XEC - Spain, XEF - France, XEH - Hungary, XEO - Poland, XEZ - Czechia
Version: Android 12
File size: 4.04 GB
Updated: 06/2024

ROM Download Instructions:

  • Click the  Download button  to download the ROM file to your computer.
  • Extract the ZIP file if necessary.

Install ROM:

  • Install Odin:  Download and install the Odin software  on your computer.
  • Phone Connection: Turn on Download Mode  on   your phone. Connect your phone to your computer using a USB cable.
  • Open Odin:  Launch the Odin software on your computer.
  • Add ROM File:  In Odin, click the  AP button  and select the downloaded ROM file.
  • Start Installation:  Click the  Start button  to begin installing the ROM.
  • Restart phone:  Once the installation is complete, your phone will automatically restart.

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